The allure of a home goes beyond the interior and one of the main elements that have the power to enhance the external beauty is sparkling clean windows. But how can we keep our outdoor windows clean all the time? In this guide we are about to uncover all the secrets of a professional outdoor window cleaner and give you all the needed tips and techniques to clean and deal with all the challenges that make keeping your windows shine a difficult task.

Window cleaning costs may vary depending on the project size, but typically, they range between $80 and $400.  Sounds a lot, right? Well, when it comes to outdoor windows, it may be pretty difficult to clean them on your own. And still – most of us will try. We researched and found some of the most efficient ways to clean windows as a professional outdoor window cleaner. 

Today we are about to uncover all the needed tips and techniques to clean and deal with all the challenges that make keeping your windows shine a difficult task.

Outdoor Window Cleaning: Tips & Techniques

Source: Unsplash

Consider The Window Type

Every window is different when it comes to material and style, and that’s why a unique cleaning approach is demanded, and this is one of the main rules of an outdoor window cleaner. For example, the windows of a garden house may need a different approach than the upstairs windows

From the classic double-hung to the modern casements, you have to understand the intricacies of the outdoor windows you need to clean as the first step toward successful cleaning. 

For wooden frames, you have to use a gentle solution to preserve the integrity and color of the wood. Go for a spray filled with a mixture of water and soap, and avoid harsh chemicals that may be damaging for the material. However, the vinyl frames can take a stronger cleaning solution. So – always check the specifics of the surface.

Consider How High You’ll Need To Go

When it comes to outdoor windows, most of the time they are high and hard-to-each. That’s why a professional outdoor windows cleaner would always start with strategic planning. Assess the height and the accessibility of your windows – can you even get to them?

Always use a sturdy ladder with non-sleep feet to ensure your safety, and for extra security add a spotter. If your windows are really high – then you better invest in a water-fed pole system with a good length. It will give you the chance to clean from the ground, without having to climb high. It is good to note that these poles usually come with soft brushes, so you are not risking damage on your windows. However – they may be pretty expensive. 

Outdoor Window Cleaning: Tips & Techniques

Source: Unsplash

Choose The Right Outdoor Window Cleaner

When it comes to achieving spotless windows, choosing the right outdoor window cleaner is essential. For basic glass windows, you can go for a spray bottle with a mixture of water and dish soap – it works wonders! However, for specialty windows like garden windows, consider something more specific (there will be more dirt and grass), such as a vinegar-based solution to cut through grime effectively. 

Homemade Window Cleaner Recipes

Let us share with you two homemade window cleaner recipes that will get you the best outdoor window cleaner!

  • All-purpose window cleaner – this window cleaner includes isopropyl alcohol, white vinegar, corn starch, dishwashing liquid like soap, and water. You have to put it in a spray bottle and spray it on the dirt. It will be easily removed, promised!
  • Outdoor window cleaner – this homemade recipe for outdoor window cleaner includes rinse aid, rubbing alcohol, non-sudsing household ammonia, powered automatic dishwasher detergent, and hot water. 

We want to note that the cleaning solutions we shared with you will not harm plants, or be dangerous for pets, at least according to our personal experience. Still, it is always a good idea to do your independent research to ensure you have nothing to worry about.

If you prefer to go for a specific product which can be bought, there is a wide variety of products on the market to choose from. They will surely make your outside windows cleaner than always, but they do cost money.

Get The Necessary Tools

In order to successfully clean your outdoor windows, you need to equip yourself with professional tools. A high-quality scrubber with a microfiber pad will elevate your window cleaning game as it is essential for loosening dirt. On the other hand, a silicone blade squeegee will ensure a streak-free finish. And why not go for a combo scrubber squeegee?

If you are looking for the best dish soap, the Blue Dawn dish soap may be your ultimate best option. We would also advise you to utilize an extension pole for the hard-to-reach areas, together with a bucket or tub to mix and carry your outdoor window cleaner successfully. 

And last, but not least – you will need a hose for spraying the windows. It will help you to remove the dirt, grime and debris. 

Different Windows Require Different Techniques

Don’t forget – different windows require different techniques, because not all windows are the same! Sliding windows would keep dirt in their tracks, and here you need to use a small, stiff brush to remove the debris before cleaning. 

Fixed windows would have intricate designs, which requires a lot more attention to the details. It is a good idea to dust them every day in order to prevent dirt and soot, however, if you haven’t done that, wipe the glass with a damp and soft cloth to remove the stubborn dirt. Do not use hard water, use distilled one, otherwise stains and streaks may be left on the window. When it comes to fixed windows – forget about abrasive materials because they may leave scratches on the glass.

Outdoor Window Cleaning: Tips & Techniques

Source: Pexels

Tips For Stubborn Stains And Streaks

When it comes to stubborn stains and streaks, it may be difficult for a non professional to deal with them. However, we have one specific tip for you – you can use a mixture of vinegar and baking soda. It seems like a paste and you have to apply it to the affected area. Let it sit for a few minutes, and then scrub the paste gently. 

If this does not help – you will most likely have to go for more specific outdoor window cleaners such as the Windex outdoor glass cleaner and hard water. They may help you, but keep in mind that they may damage other outdoor surfaces and patio furniture in the house, so be careful when using them. Furthermore – you have to store these properly too.

Don’t Forget About The Frames And Sills

Frames and sills may harbor hidden dirt, that’s why you should never forget about them. The hidden dirt may impact the overall cleanliness of your windows and lead to permanent spots which you will surely not want to see. 

That’s why here you have to use a soft brush or even vacuum cleaner attachment to remove the loose debris. Once you do so – you have to wipe down with a damp cloth and mild soap. This is a professional tactic that has to be adapted in order to have your windows clean. If there are water spots – use microfiber to clean them. 

How To Deal With The Corners?

Yes, corners can be very challenging to reach! But they do deserve your attention and you must keep these in mind. You can invest some money in a corner-specific scrubber or you can use a smaller brush to navigate these small and tight spaces. 

Corners are essential when it comes to cleaning windows and keeping them as clean as possible in future. You will see that extra care to the corners will ensure the professional finish of the cleaning process. 

Outdoor Window Cleaning: Tips & Techniques

Source: Pexels

Step-by-step Guide to Cleaning Windows Like a Professional

Is there a better way to conclude today’s topic than with a step-by-step guide to cleaning windows like a professional? We don’t think so! Here is our guide which you can simply follow if you want to clean your windows with ease:

  1. Check the material of the windows and its specifics in order to ensure that you will not damage the windows or their frame
  2. Plan your cleaning – consider the height of the windows
  3. Fill a tub with the cleaning solution you have chosen to use (you can either buy one, or make it yourself at home if you want to save some money, however – this may not be effective when it comes to excessive dirt)
  4. Dip the scrubber into the solution and apply it to the glass (you can also use sponge mop but it is not that good)
  5. Switch to the squeegee to clean and dry the window
  6. Use a microfiber cloth to wipe the frame clean and dry without left spots

If there is a lot of dirt, grime and debris on the windows – you can spray them with a hose. Then, you can scrub the windows thoroughly with the cleaning solution, and finally – rinse the windows again with clear water. Last but not least – let it dry for a streak free shine!

And one last, pro tip that you must always keep in mind – it is best to clean exterior windows on overcast days, colder weather, early mornings or evenings. This will help you to avoid the window cleaning solution baking on the window, and this leading to more difficulties and dull residue left. 

Get Professional Help

If cleaning your windows seems like a too difficult task, if you don’t have the needed equipment and you don’t want to invest in it, then you can surely get professional help. There are professionals who would be happy to clean your windows and will surely deal with any kind of stain and dirt. SkySWC promises to leave your windows cleaner than ever without you having to worry about anything!

Professional window cleaning may be expensive sometimes, but it will save you a lot of time and effort. If you don’t have any equipment, professional cleaning of your windows may even save you some extra costs. So – it is up to you!

By following this guide and these tricks, you will surely have your windows cleaned perfectly. We would strongly advise you to make your window cleaning part of your spring cleaning ritual if you want to enjoy a clear and perfect window for the summer. It may seem difficult at first, but with the perfect outdoor window cleaner and with our tips – you can do it!

And don’t forget that if window cleaning is NOT your thing – you can always take advantage of professional help. Professionals will be happy to ensure that your windows are clean of dirt, stains and water spots.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How do you wash windows outside with a hose?

When it comes to washing windows outside with a hose, you have to follow some simple steps. First, you should use the hose to spray down the window, then you should dip a scrubber with a microfiber pad into the solution. Scrub the windows and the spots and rinse again with water. For streak-free finish use silicone blade squeegee and wipe the excess water. 

What can I put on my outside windows to keep them clean?

You can maintain clean windows by applying hydrophobic coating to them. This will repel water and prevent dirt and grime from attaching to the glass. There are also commercial sprays which you can buy to keep your windows clean. But nothing will keep them forever clean so sooner or later, you will have to wash the windows, or use professional services.

What is the best solution to clean outdoor windows?

The best solution to clean outdoor windows depends on your own preferences and the level of dirt of your windows. There are both outdoor window cleaner solutions you can buy at the nearest shop, and there are homemade solutions too. They include mixing water and vinegar, or water and dish soap. These may be pretty helpful in specific situations. 

How do you clean outside windows that you can not reach?

In that case – the best thing you can do is get professional help in order to ensure your safety! However, if you want to do it on your own – you can use an extension pole (attach a squeegee or scupper to reach higher windows) or use a water-fed pole system. This will allow you to clean windows from the ground with purified water, without having to climb anything.. 

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